Saturday, February 12, 2011

Discriminated only because of difference

Discrimination according to Microsoft Encarta is different treatment of others based solely on their membership in a socially distinct group or category, such as race, ethnicity, sex, religion, age, or disability. For me, discrimination means treating others badly just because they’re a little bit different.
       In my case I experienced discrimination when I was in Germany; compared to them I am dark. Five years ago, I visited the school of my cousin with my sister. Students who didn’t know us looked strangely at us and they were not friendly. Experiencing discrimination hurts a lot. Those students gave me a feeling that I’m not welcome and that I’m somewhat weird even though the only difference I have with them is my skin color and my nose. How I dealt with this situation? I just smile and try my best to be friendly and I always remind myself that I live for God and not for men. But one time I was really full of them whispering while looking strangely at me and my sister, so I spoke Tagalog with my sister making them insecure. Well, it was not a good decision it made them feel discriminated and I really didn’t make friends with them which I later regretted. The lesson of my experience is: Don’t judge people when you don’t really know them. Most of the time we discriminate people because they look, speak, and act different which is totally wrong. We should always remind ourselves that God loves all kinds of people no matter where they come from. I also learned not to take revenge because it does no good. It hurts your neighbour and mostly it hurts God.