Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Experiences: Learning Grammar makes Sense

My Experiences: Learning Grammar makes Sense: "In my case I really never liked writing a composition because I have a hard time organizing my thoughts in the right order. Most of the tim..."

Learning Grammar makes Sense

In my case I really never liked writing a composition because I have a hard time organizing my thoughts in the right order. Most of the time, my problem in writing a composition, according to my mom, is: I often change my tenses. When I realized my mistakes I try my best to change those mistakes and never to repeat it again. I’ve also realized that when my composition is full of mistakes it doesn’t sound good, and when other people read it they mostly laugh about it. In order to correct my mistakes in my writing I need to learn the rules in grammar. To every game there are rules. If a game is played by its rules it will be a success. This is also true for languages. In grammar there are rules, if followed the reader may understand what I wrote. The things I can do to improve my Grammar skills is to follow it even when at first it doesn’t sounds good. Another good idea to improve my grammar skills is to read a lot of books, articles, and studying grammar books. The most important thing my mom always tell me to do in order to use grammar lessons in writing is to use it. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Discriminated only because of difference

Discrimination according to Microsoft Encarta is different treatment of others based solely on their membership in a socially distinct group or category, such as race, ethnicity, sex, religion, age, or disability. For me, discrimination means treating others badly just because they’re a little bit different.
       In my case I experienced discrimination when I was in Germany; compared to them I am dark. Five years ago, I visited the school of my cousin with my sister. Students who didn’t know us looked strangely at us and they were not friendly. Experiencing discrimination hurts a lot. Those students gave me a feeling that I’m not welcome and that I’m somewhat weird even though the only difference I have with them is my skin color and my nose. How I dealt with this situation? I just smile and try my best to be friendly and I always remind myself that I live for God and not for men. But one time I was really full of them whispering while looking strangely at me and my sister, so I spoke Tagalog with my sister making them insecure. Well, it was not a good decision it made them feel discriminated and I really didn’t make friends with them which I later regretted. The lesson of my experience is: Don’t judge people when you don’t really know them. Most of the time we discriminate people because they look, speak, and act different which is totally wrong. We should always remind ourselves that God loves all kinds of people no matter where they come from. I also learned not to take revenge because it does no good. It hurts your neighbour and mostly it hurts God.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Conversations with my Grandfather

I grew up in a family with two cultures. My mother came from Germany and my father comes from the Philippines. There’s a great difference between these two cultures for example Filipinos like to eat rice while the Germans like to eat bread. The result in my family is we eat bread in the morning and evening and at lunch time we eat rice. Another example is: My dad is not that time conscious like my mother. That’s why my mother always reminds my dad what time is. There’s a bigger sentiment against T.V. watching in Germany so our T.V. is mostly just a display object and we never turn on the T.V. to entertain visitors. We are required to bike to school for environmental, economical and for exercise reason. I learned German because my mom spoke to me in German, read me in German books and had me listened to German tapes. For my mother it is very important to maintain a relationship with our relatives in Germany. So it very special for me and my family when we go to Germany or when some relatives visits us here in the Philippines.
Wedding of my grandparents.
          Last year we went to Germany for a month. We didn’t have much time to do some sightseeing because we visited a lot people. The best thing about visiting people is the conversation we had especially with my grandfather. My grandfather a.k.a  “Opa”  likes to tell stories about his life. He told me about his experience in the war when he was a boy. Opa was very proud when he told me the story of his ancestors (but sometimes he exaggerated it. He also told me about his love story with my grandmother who died when I was three years old. It was very funny. I’m also amazed when he told me about his life as a pastor handling 5 churches and how he toured around the world without knowing any other language except for German and Dutch. My grandfather’s stories taught me a lot of lessons. I learned from him to be optimistic and to trust God fully. My conversations with my grandfather built a stronger relationship with him. The conversation with my grandfather also taught me that communication is very important in building a strong relationship with other people